IGEL Cloud Gateway on Nutanix AHV

The IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG) implements a secure connection between endpoint devices and the UMS, both of which are located inside private networks. Finally I found some time to implement the IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG), which enables the Universal Management Suite (UMS) to securely manage endpoint devices outside the company network.

Some time ago I wrote about the new IGEL UD Pocket, the portable Universal Desktop Thin Client coming as a USB device (IGEL UD Pocket – Micro Universal Desktop Thin Client). Finally I found some time to implement the IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG), which enables the Universal Management Suite (UMS) to securely manage endpoint devices outside the company network.

The UD Pocket boots IGEL Universal Desktop Linux on your computer. However, it does not make any changes to the operating system already installed on the hard disk, SSD or flash storage – UD Pocket runs entirely from the USB stick. With the latest firmware now it is also possible to turn your Apple Mac into a temporary IGEL Thin Client.

As the primary use case for the UD Pocket is to provide a secure and managed Thin Client environment for BYOD and unmanaged external endpoints, usually this devices are not part of your network and have no direct access to the IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS), IGEL’s management console. That’s exactly where the IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG) can jump in and fill the gap.

The IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG) implements a secure connection between endpoint devices and the UMS, both of which are located inside private networks. Continue reading “IGEL Cloud Gateway on Nutanix AHV”

IGEL UD Pocket – Micro Universal Desktop Thin Client

IGEL’s new UD Pocket, a micro Universal Desktop Thin Client on a USB 3.0 thumb drive, allows you to turn a PC, laptop or any compatible x86, 64-bit CPU based endpoint device in a Thin Client, running the Linux based IGEL Universal Desktop operating system. The UD Pocket can be managed side by side with all the other Hard- and Software Thin Clients from Igel through the Universal Management Suite (UMS).

IGEL’s new UD Pocket, a micro Universal Desktop Thin Client on a USB 3.0 thumb drive, allows to turn a PC, laptop or any compatible x86, 64-bit CPU based endpoint device in a Thin Client, running the Linux based IGEL Universal Desktop operating system. The UD Pocket can be managed side by side with all the other Hard- and Software Thin Clients from IGEL through the Universal Management Suite (UMS). Continue reading “IGEL UD Pocket – Micro Universal Desktop Thin Client”

IGEL Linux 10 Sneak Preview

German Thin Client brand IGEL Technology is working on their next release of the IGEL Linux based Thin Client operating system. This is the Linux based OS that will power their own Thin Client Hardware as well as their software based Universal Desktop Converter (UDC).

IGEL Linux 10 Sneak Preview

German Thin Client brand IGEL Technology is working on their next release of the IGEL Linux based Thin Client operating system. This is the Linux based OS that will power their own Thin Client Hardware as well as their software based Universal Desktop Converter (UDC).

The Universal Desktop Converter (UDC) thin client software provides a highly effective alternative to traditional thin client hardware. The software is installed as the operating system on PCs, notebooks and selected thin clients, and turns the hardware into a powerful software-based and universally deployable thin client allowing secure access to almost all centralized IT infrastructures. Continue reading “IGEL Linux 10 Sneak Preview”